Phineas and Ferb Porn Story: Not Nightmares Per Se – Chapter 1
A/N: (Taking a short break from Sherlock Holmesbut Ill go crawling back probably, like, tomorrow XD) Hm. Okay This story was supposed to be sweet. Somehow or other a bit of my own inner-turmoil got dumped into it, I think. My apologies. Ill try to write something nice next. Note: This is set a few years before the start of the show, obviously. (By the time of the first episode theyve got the family thing down pat, but here theyre all still a bit uneasy.) Not too many years because Phineas is only like eight in the show itself, and him being three years old or something wouldnt really work for this story. Also, Perrys a baby platypus here. Hes not a secret agent yet.
Disclaimer: Phineas and Ferb, and all its characters are owned by Disney. This story is just what happens when I watch my favorite Disney-channel cartoon on youtube all afternoon after having slept for about four hours the night before.