Phineas and Ferb Porn Story: Silence is Golden but Ductape is Silver Chapter 2
Ferb, this is the place. Phineas said as we approached a very
sophisticated building that looked nothing like a place to confirm a
building permit. Phineas, are you sure this is the right place?
I asked him. These are the directions you printed up. 691 Chicago
Street. Phineas showed me the piece of paper. Phineas, how
stupid can you get? I said. Excuse me?! He said insulted.
You have the numbers up-side down! I said. He turned them right
side up. Shut up, Ferb. Then we went to 169 Chicago Street.
This is more like it! I said. Phineas nodded. Remember, when
we get home, you do your share of the roller coaster. I said.
Shut up, Ferb. Phineas was talking to the person when I heard
You think we can borrow one of those gadgets? It way Phineas.
The person said yes and we brought it home. Phineas set it up all by
himself, I was impresses. I also refused to help him. So Phineas
forced me into the back car with him. I crossed my arms. Now this
is the life. Phineas said. I told you, Ferb. Shut up,
Phineas. Someone needs a nap! Phineas called out. Thats
it! Get me out of here! Ferb, could you put up these flyers why
youre out? Phineas said as he handed me a whole stack of
papers. Phineas Zechariah Flynn, where did all of this come from?
Phineas gave me a mischievous grin. Oh Phineas! Youre sick!
Phineas burst out laughing.