Phineas and Ferb Porno Story: The Chaotic Christmas Chapter Four
Chapter 4
Agent P parked his hover-car on top of Charlene and Vanessas house, and then quietly inched toward an open window. He slowly turned his head to the left so he could peek inside the house. Perry saw Vanessa sitting on her bed listening to her iPod. Lucky for him, he didnt have to travel all over the house to look for her.
Agent P jumped through the window, but stumbled as he hit the ground, landing flat on his face. Vanessa noticed the sudden noise, turned around, and of course, saw Perry.
You! she yelled. Youre that that that platypus my dad fights! What are you?
Before she could finish, Perry had his hand over Vanessas mouth to stop her from attracting too much attention.
Vanessa? he heard Charlene say from downstairs. What was that noise? And why are you yelling?