Phineas and Ferb Porn Story: The sleepover of crushes Chapter 1
One day 9 year old
Phineas Flynn woke up on an early July morning at 6:59
Ha, ha your never
goanna beat me Mr. alarm clock.
He then threw a pillow
at his stepbrother Ferb Fletcher, but surprisingly he caught it and
threw it back at him. They both had a race to get downstairs it was a
tie then Ferb got the milk out of the fridge and Phineas got the box
of cereal out of a cupboard then he saw there was a prize at the
bottom so he shook the box and got the prize it was a bed and a man
on it he then said to his brother: Hey, Ferb I know what were
goanna do today! Well in the evening. He then whispered
something in his ear.
As they walked outside
a young girl with black hair and hearts in her eyes pointing at
Phineas, walked up to boys. Heyyy Phineas.
Oh hey Isabella,
he answered back. Whatcha doing. Nothing at the moment,
but we are doing something later. What? Id like to
tell you, but its a surprise, its at 5:00, but Im not
telling you when it ends. I guess we can play something for