Phineas and Ferb Porn Story: Hearts Failing Hopes Falling Chapter 4
Failing, Hopes Falling
Brandie Delanie Creation
I dont own Phineas, Ferb, Candace, Perry or any other character
seen on Phineas and Ferb. The only thing I own is the laptop Im
typing on. Oh, wait; its my familys laptop!
Note: This is a story of troubles of living with a family member in
the hospital, barely clinging to life. If youve been in that
situation, youll understand the meaning of the story.
Perry is very worried about Phineas, since hes known him for a
long time. Doofenshmirtz, Monogram and Karl are all worried about
Perry and, to some extent, Phineas. Even though they barely know him,
they were worried just the same.
woke up to a misty morning. He looked over at his brother, Ferb, who
was still asleep. Phineas took his rubber ball and threw it at his
brother, saying, Hey, wake up, sleepy! Ferb sat up in bed and
looked at his brother with a reproachful look.